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Looking for ways to save money around the house to use for your next vacation? Try these money saving tips that can add up to provide extra travel spending money!
- First of all, get rid of all the clutter. Sell it!
- Quit being wasteful! Turn off the tv if you aren’t watching it. Don’t leave water running if it doesn’t need to be!
- Wait until you have a full load of laundry or dishes before washing them.
- Run appliances after 9PM to reduce energy costs. Some electric companies give a discount for using energy during off peak times.
- Turn off lights when you leave the room. Use natural sunlight when you can. I leave the blinds open in the winter to let the light in and warm up the house!
- Make sure you have energy efficient light bulbs. Just swapping out 5 lightbulbs in fixtures you use the most can save you about $50 a year!
- Turn on your bathroom fan when using energy efficient light bulbs as the humidity may shorten the life of the bulb.
- Know how to use your ceiling fans. Set them to spin clockwise in the winter to keep warm air in the room and the counterclockwise in the summer.
- Adjust your thermostat. Keep it on 68 degrees in the winter and 72 in the summer. You can adjust more when on vacation or while gone for a lengthy amount of time. Or, think about getting a programmable thermostat!
- Put on or take off some clothes around the house during the summer and winter. Wear some thermal socks to warm ya up to resist the urge to turn up the heat!
- Unplug appliances. Why do you have your toaster plugged in if you rarely use it? Just having cell phone chargers and other electronics plugged in can cost you money in the form of phantom power. Having 15 electronics plugged up can cost $3+ a month. I bet your computer costs about half of that! Wasted money adds up!
- Buy energy efficient appliances. Money in the bank! ChaChing!
- Rid your appliances, such as your refrigerator, from dust. They will run more efficiently and longer!
- Get a power strip for things that are hard to reach, such as your printer, computer, scanner, etc. Just turn the switch when you need it on! Bam! Money saved!
- Make sure your house has energy efficient windows.
- Use the curtains or blinds on your windows to save money on your heating/cooling bill. Open the blinds during the summer to let the heat in. Close them during the summer.
- Close closet doors in your home so you are not heating or cooling extra space.
- Repair small problems around the house before they become big problems.
- Clean out your dryer’s lint trap to keep it functioning longer and dry more efficiently.
- Inspect the doors and windows of your home for any air leakages. Make sure no air is escaping or getting in. This saves money on your electric bill.
- Install a water efficient toilet. If you don’t have the money to buy one, just put a 20 oz bottle of water in the tank to reduce water use.
- Buy an insulating blanket for your hot water heater. It will trap in the heat, thus saving some dough on that electricity bill! (This may be more difficult of a task if you have a gas water heater.)
- Install a shower flow regulator device to decrease the amount of water used while bathing. Or, take a shorter shower.
- Set your water heater to 120 degrees. The default setting is usually 140 degrees. Doing this may save you about $50 a year!
- Get a tune up on your home’s heating and air system to keep it functioning at its best potential.

We would love to hear any more ideas you may have on how to save money around the house. Comment below.
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