While in Finland on our ultimate Lapland adventure, we met up with Lapland Connection for possibly the fastest three country tour in the world. Located in the northern border of Finland is the town of Kilpisjärvi where you can snowmobile three countries within seconds of each other. Martti Niskanen was our snowmobile guide for the afternoon. This was our first time ever on a snowmobile!
Martti picked us up at our hotel in a sled pulled by a snowmobile to our starting location on Lake Kilpisjärvi. After learning the rules and hand signals, it was time to hop on the snowmobile. Chris and I each took turns driving the snowmobile to get a handle of how it performed. Then, we were off on our snowmobile to three countries!

We followed Martti on our snowmobiles.

We stopped on the side of the lake where there were sticks gathered together in the shape of a teepee. Here, we learned about the area and the three countries cairn. We were not far from it.

This is the part of the trip that the snowmobiles go on land between the 2 lakes to get to where adventurers can snowmobile three countries.
We drove through the thick snow until we came to the three country cairn marker in Lake Koltajauri. This is where Finland, Sweden, and Norway all meet. There is no border patrol here so one can move freely between each of the countries. I think this is the only place 3 countries come together that you can actually walk between them all without border patrol. In summer when the lake thaws out, there’s a side walk that goes around the marker.
Since it’s not every day that we get to visit three countries in under three seconds, we made sure to take some photos here with the three country cairn.
Then, Martti gave us some warm berry juice to drink. Yummy!
After we enjoyed our warm berry juice, we hopped back on the snowmobiles and made our way back across Lake Kilpisjärvi.
Here’s a video of us as we snowmobile three countries!
Don’t you think snowmobiling three countries is a fun idea? Comment below!

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